Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Chris' birthday falls just 4 days after Braydens, so it is probably fair to say that he often gets the shaft. After throwing a bash for Brayden, I do not seem to have a lot of enthusiasm for Chris on his special day. Sorry babe! We certainly do not love Chris any less, he is just a lot less demanding. This year the kids and I decided to make Sugar cookies instead of cake, because Chris doesn't really like cake. He enjoyed those, and then we put the boys to bed and headed out for a late dinner just the two of us (thanks for staying with them Collin). It may not have been a very exciting day, but I think Daddy knows just how much we really love him. You truly are my sanity and my happiness babe. I can not imagine life without you. I love you!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Big 5!

My "middle man" turned five on Sunday. Friday night was party central, as we invited the fam over for a spider man themed celebration. Mom and Dad had "fun" spinning a yarn web on the ceiling, and daddy made an awesome spider man cake. Brayden was thrilled to have his cousins, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas and mom dad and brothers in attendance. Thanks to Grammy we had a huge balloon fight and a good time was had by all. Thanks everyone for a fantastic evening. Happy birthday Bray, we love you!