Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's in a name

Each of my three beautiful little boys has a name that we love. Their middle names are family names, and their first names seem to fit them to a tee. Well, as you may or may not be able to tell from the pictures, baby boy #4 is on his way. My biggest worry? A name! I am fresh out of ideas! I want his name to be just as beautiful and special as the others, but I haven't a clue! I am hoping that over the next 4 months we will be inspired to find the perfect name for our precious baby boy. Any suggestions?

Sunday, November 1, 2009


It was August when I started lobbying my sweet husband for the chance to be something "pretty" for Halloween. Being the mother of three boys I usually end up being something scary or gross in order to fit the family theme. Chris told me I could choose what he and I would be this year, and we decided that the boys could be whatever they wanted. After a bit of looking around for a costume that would fit my ever growing belly, I decided I wanted to be a 1920's flapper, and Chris could be my gangster. When the boys heard our idea they decided that they all wanted to be gangsters. We had a great time as a gangster family, guns and all. Brayden insisted that I was not a flapper, but rather a "gangster girlfriend" with 4 boy friends! So much fun. I do love Halloween!

An October Snow Storm

Three days before Halloween in Colorado means it could be 70 degrees, or you could have 18 inches of snow on the ground. This year we had the latter. Jake enjoyed a day off of school, Daddy spent a lot of time shoveling, mommy got the car stuck, and we drank a lot of hot cocoa! It wouldn't have been my first choice, but we did enjoy some time hangin' out as a family!


Chris and I used to spend hours carving intricate pumpkins each October. Now we try to make it through one hour of carving pumpkins with three little ones who all want something different, and want to do it all themselves! Daddy was a trooper this year, and patiently helped each child design and carve a very simple jack-0-lantern. Everyone was happy, and very proud when we lit them on Halloween night. You are the best Daddy!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Football Star!

Jake has played soccer, and T-ball, and liked them both ok. This year he decided that he wanted to try football. I was a bit nervous, but consented to a season of flag football. He loved it! We loved watching him play. For once Jake's height was an advantage, and he thoroughly enjoyed showing us all how strong he is. Some of the games were really cold, but #2 didn't complain, he just played his heart out. Great season Jake, we are proud of you!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today was a truly inspirational day! For the first time I took part in the Race for the Cure. I'm not sure why it has taken me this long to take part in such an incredible experience. This year my mom and my three sisters, as well as a good friend and I walked with my Grandma as "team Audrey". My grandma Audrey is a 34 year survivor of breast cancer. What a fitting tribute it was to walk with "team Audrey", and watch as so many were overcome with emotion as they contemplated the magnitude of that number. 34 years! I can not describe what it felt like to be surrounded by a sea of pink all united in one common cause. It was amazing to watch the survivors as we payed them tribute, and humbling to watch the loved ones of those who had lost their battle in this life. I was greatly touched by the spirit of hope that pervaded this event despite the many who must battle sadness over the loss of loved ones. I feel renewed and inspired to have hope in my life, no matter what circumstances I may encounter.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I love October!

What is it about October? Maybe it is the fact that I love Halloween, or that my mom and mom in laws birthdays are both in October. Maybe it is the cool crisp days, or the beautiful changing leaves. Maybe it is that October signals the start of the holiday season. I'm not sure what makes October so grand, I just know that I love it. My house is now decked out in pumpkins and candy corn, and my spirits are high! Happy October!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I found out on Saturday morning that my little niece Lily was diagnosed with the H1N1 flu virus. Poor little thing was miserable! Lily was feeling fine on Friday, and attended a birthday party for Marlee. Unfortunately that means all of the cousins were exposed. We were crossing our fingers, and everyone seemed fine the rest of the weekend. Early this morning Brayden came and found me to tell me that Jake thought he had "the same flu as Lily", I was skeptical and yelled at Jake to come upstairs. He told me he couldn't, and when I got to him I could see why. Silent tears were rolling down his extremely hot cheeks, and his poor eyes made me want to cry. We took him to the doctor as soon as it opened, and sure enough he tested positive for H1N1. Poor miserable little baby! I feel so sad for him! We will hope the tamaflu can keep it under control so that he can endure it well and not have complications with his asthma. As for the rest of us, we are hoping for the impossible, that we all stay healthy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yummy Summer!

One of my favorite activities of the summer is planting a garden. It is so much fun to watch our vegetables grow, and finally become ready to eat. Somehow vegetables from the garden always taste 100 times better than the ones you buy at the store. My favorite thing to grow is tomatoes. This year we grew 7 varieties, among which was a new favorite, black cherry tomatoes. Yummy! We loved our yellow pear tomatoes, and our orange tomatoes, we even loved our good old romas, but nothing seemed to compare to the sweetness of those yummy black cherries! I love a yummy summer!

Friday, September 4, 2009

So Proud!

I am sitting home alone tonight. I have to admit that really stinks. My Hubby is in Atlanta until Tuesday. The reason he is there doesn't stink, in fact it is really cool! My totally awesome husband is in Atlanta because he and Collin (my brother in law) have been nomintaed for a PARSEC award, and the awards dinner is in Atlanta. What is a PARSEC award you ask? Wikipedia says "The Parsec Awards are a set of annual awards created to recognize excellence in science fiction podcasts". Many of you know that Chris has been producing Collins novel "The House of Grey", and they are being recognized for their hard work. They may not win the award, but I am so proud of what they have accomplished with this great project. Congratulations to both of you for chasing your dreams, and bringing enjoyment to the rest of us while you do it!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have just learned that an Elder I served with on my mission passed away this morning. I don't know any of the details yet, but what I do know is that I could not endure life's tragedies without my knowledge of the plan of happiness. Patrick was always so full of life. You couldn't spend even a few moments around him without laughing. He was upbeat, energetic, and wonderful. Even his facebook status updates kept me in stitches. To lose someone at such a young age is tragic. I am truly grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ which teaches us that our Father in Heaven has an eternal plan-a true plan of happiness. I pray Patrick's family and friends will be comforted by this knowledge at this time of great loss. May God be with each of us until we meet Patrick again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First day of second grade

Some days it seems like Jake is so young. Other days he has the attitude of a teenager. Yesterday was one of those days. Jake was "too cool" to take first day of school pictures, and I was mad! Oh well, I suppose these pics capture his true feelings on the momentous day. I hope the school year get's better!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A little more graduation

Well, it has been 3 months since graduation, and sometimes it still seems totally unreal. I am so thankful to the people who were there that day, and to all of the others who supported me all along the way. I Finally got the pictures I was looking for, so please excuse the overload!